
Write Way Designs Poet Sharon ManningSharon Manning is a creative writer, copywriter, and poet.

Sharon composes original poetry, limericks, letters, and short stories (for child fantasy) using personal details about the recipient and special occasion within the given timeframe established at time of contract. The writing may be silly or serious, as long as it is not X-rated.

Genres for Sharon's creative stories, letters, or poems include:
  • Children's
  • Wedding vows or themes
  • Love
  • Romance
  • Sympathy
  • Thinking of You
  • Birthdays
  • Holidays
  • Graduations
  • Anniversaries
  • Other Special Occasions
Prices are negotiable at an hourly rate or a one-time fee.

Payment is accepted prior to services rendered via Paypal.com, cashier's check, or money order and is non-refundable for work in progress.

Contact Sharon at 1-561-389-4865 or by email at sharonmanning57@yahoo.com with Poet-for-Hire in the Subject Line of the email.

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265,971 Visitors
Wednesday 12th March 2025 08:08:58 AM
www.writewaydesigns.com | susana@writewaydesigns.com | 1-407-670-9554

Susana Rosende, President of Write Way Designs, Executive Director of Communications, Senior Staff Technical Writer, Technical Editor, Marketing Copywriter, Content Strategist, Creative Author, Translator (English/Spanish), Illustrator, Photographer, Painter, Cartoonist, Designer.
susana@writewaydesigns.com and Susana.Rosende@gmail.com | 1-407-670-9554

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